The Latin American Summer School on Robotics (LACORO) aims to make cutting-edge knowledge of Artificial Intelligence for Robotics Applications more accessible in the Southern Hemisphere. Moreover, we want to foster intercultural student collaboration within and outside the Americas.

Our aims are:

  • to build a sustainable community of students, academics and professionals in Artificial Intelligence for Robotics, particularly Cognitive Inspired Aspects of AI.
  • to foster intercultural student collaboration within and outside the Americas.
  • to promote national and Latin American development in areas relevant to the region's economy, such as agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and retail.

LACORO will include cutting-edge lectures and tutorials on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and aspects of Human Cognition. Moreover, we will host mentoring sessions for both scientific topics and other aspects of the academic research world.

We believe it is imperative to host these events in Latin America to establish a robust research community on the American continent. Moreover, we think hosting educational events such as Summer Schools in Latin America is essential because most events are held in the Northern Hemisphere and often, the schedule conflicts with teaching activities in the Southern Hemisphere.

IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL) Banner

The inaugural version of the LACORO is co-located with the
10th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL)

LACORO 2020 Important Dates

Registration Opens Saturday, 1st February 2020
Registration Closes (extended) Monday, 30th March 2020
Sunday, 23rd August 2020
Decision notifications (extended) Wednesday, 15th April 2020
Wednesday, 26th August 2020
LACORO 1st – 3rd of September 2020

LACORO 2020 Registration

The application process for candidate attendees starts on the 1st February 2020 by filling out an online form. On decision notification date you will receive the link for joining to the webinar. More details below.

How to Apply:

To apply to the summer school, fill out the online application form, please read these instructions carefully. Note: You can still participate if you don't register. However, your registration will help us plan the next edition of LACORO.

Registration Fee:

LACORO 2020 will be held online, and there are no registration fees.

Weblinks for the talks will be provided to the participants in the notification of acceptance email.

LACORO 2020 Speakers


Francisco Cruz
Francisco Cruz

School of IT, Deakin University, Australia

Kenji Doya
Kenji Doya

Neural Computation Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan

María José Escobar
María José Escobar

Electronics Engineering Department, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile

Ricardo R. Gudwin
Ricardo R. Gudwin

Department of Computer Engineering and Industrial Automation (DCA) of the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (FEEC) at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil

Xavier Hinaut
Xavier Hinaut

Inria (Mnemosyne team) & Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Bordeaux France

Sao Mai Nguyen
Sao Mai Nguyen

Flowers Team (ENSTA Paris, IP Paris & INRIA) & IMT Atlantique, France

Anna Helena Reali Costa
Anna Helena Reali Costa

Dept. Computer Engineering and Digital Systems, Escola Politécnica of the Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil

Mario Villalobos Kirmayr
Mario Villalobos Kirmayr

School of Psychology and Philosophy, Univesidad de Tarapacá, Chile

LACORO 2020 Sponsors


Aarhus University, Department of Engineering
Centro de Innovación y Robótica
Universidad Andrés Bello
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

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