
> HO1 Capacitive Sensing for Soft Robotics

Building B - Room RISLAB (Level -1)

> HO2 Design and implementation of a Soft Robotics gripper

Building B - Room B202

> HO3 Biomecánica y robótica: diseño y control de un dedo robótico para desarrollo de prótesis biónica

Building B - Room "Fábrica Digital" (Level -1)

Resources HO3

> HO4 Practical Introduction to Artificial Intelligence on Embedded Systems

Building B - Room B203

> HO5 ROS + path planning and control

Building B - Room B204

> HO6 Computer vision and deep learning for dynamic enviroments

Building B - Room B205 / B208

Resources HO6 :

  • Tuesday: Link 1

  • Wednesday: Link 2