
The registration starts on the 1st June 2024 by filling out an online form. We only have a limited number of places!

> How to Register:

To register to the summer school, fill out the online application form, please read these instructions carefully.

Applications sent by email will NOT be processed.

> Registration Fee:

Early Registration Fee
until 1st October 2024
Registration Closes
on 1st November 2024
Students: 50 USD 100 USD
Student IEEE Member: 0 USD 50 USD
IEEE Member: 200 USD 300 USD
Academics: 200 USD 300 USD
Professionals: 300 USD 400 USD

> Payment Options

Account holder name: Centro de Innovacion y Robotica

Rut (Tax ID): 65.095.185-9

Account holder address: Av. Condell #1525, Of. 47, Valparaiso, Chile. Zip code: 2362894

Bank: Banco Estado

Bank address: Arturo Prat #656, Valparaiso, Chile. Zip code: 2361821


Bank Account Number: 23900227264

> Registration Inclusions

The registration in LACORO 2024 includes:
  • participation in all talks,
  • mentoring sessions,
  • tutorials,
  • coffee breaks, and
  • social dinner.